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Travelers Choice of Hotels
Kashan High
Kashan Iran0 reviewsSaraye Ameriha is a large historic house in Kashan, Iran. It was originally built as a family residence during Zand dynasty for Agha Āmeri, the governor of Kashan, and it is now restored and transformed into a traditional-style museum and hotel.
Shiraz High
Shiraz Iran0 reviewsShiraz Hotel is a five star hotel which is located in the city of Shiraz, the birthplace of Persian culture and art. This hotel, with 40000 m² area in 14 floors, is situated in neighborhood of the holy Quran gate and it is close to touristic places in Shiraz.
Tehran High
Tehran Iran0 reviewsEspinas Palace Hotel is a hotel with a flair for services. A stay in the Palace is always a special time for our guests. The Palace features all the amenities and services of a luxury five-star hotel coupled with attraction and a unique feel-at-home atmosphere.
Yazd Mid
Yazd Iran0 reviewsThe renovation and reconstruction of Yazd Pars Hotel was completed in 2016.This building, which dates back to the Qajar period, with a history of more than two centuries, has been able to make a pleasant and invigorating environment for its travelers and tourists by combining traditional and modern architectures
kashan mid
Kashan Iran0 reviewsThis magnificent building is one of the historic houses in Kashan, which was renovated and repurposed into a traditional residential space
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